Course curriculum

    1. Bulk Importing & Updating Products

    2. Creating New Products (with Product Attribute Deep Dive)

    3. Creating Product Categories

    4. Creating Custom Fields

    5. Creating Price Tiers

    6. Bill of Materials, Bundles & Kits

    7. Setting up new Users and Security Groups

    1. Creating Purchase Orders - Video

    2. Receiving Inventory Against Purchase Orders

    3. Creating Bills and Bill Payments from Purchase Orders

    4. Inventory Prepayments/ Deposits

    5. Creating a Dropship Purchase Order from a Sales Order

    6. Tracking Landed Costs for a Product

    1. Creating Sales Orders and Invoices

    2. Qutoes

    3. Return Process

    4. Record Payments Against Invoice

About this course

  • Free
  • 17 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content